Boston Physical Therapy Services

Physical Therapy Services

Massachusetts is a “direct access” state, you do not need a doctor’s referral to see a physical therapist allowing for unrestricted access to physical therapy services

How do you know that you need physical therapy?

Physical therapy is beneficial to those who are experiencing any of the following:

  • You experience pain
  • Pain restricts your activities
  • Your mobility is limited
  • You are recovering from a surgical operation or injury
  • You are a recreational athlete who wants to improve your performance
  • You sit at a desk job all day long and feel stiff 

For your convenience, Arch Physical Therapy and Fitness offers in-person physical therapy in Boston and virtual physical therapy services. If you want to learn more prior to scheduling your evaluation, feel free to schedule a free consultation here. If you are interested in personal training services, click here to see offerings.


In-Person and Virtual Physical Therapy Services

55 minute initial evaluation ($250)

During our initial evaluation, we will begin by discussing why you are seeking physical therapy, I will ask detailed questions to understand where you are at that moment, and what your goals are. Then I will take tests and measurements to guide my treatment approach. We will discuss a plan for your treatment and follow-up care. Prior to wrapping up, we will get started on your physical therapy so you have something to work on until we meet again. Following your appointment, you will receive a home program and an overview of our first physical therapy session. This can be in person or virtual.
The virtual evaluation would be a good fit for someone who has had physical therapy in the past, and has access to baseline equipment (depending on area of injury, weights and/or bands) at home.

55 minute follow up ($250)

This is for clients who have already had an initial evaluation with Schuyler. This is a treatment session may include manual therapy, dry needling, exercise, and updating your home program. This will be based on the plan of care you discussed with Schuyler at the initial evaluation. This can be an in person or virtual session.

Body work ($125)

Body work consists of manual therapy (dry needling, soft tissue massage, joint mobility, and/or range of motion). This does not include exercise and is up to 30 minutes long. These sessions are recommended for people who have already gone through an initial evaluation (in person or online), and who are comfortable and confident with their home program, but need hands-on, in-person treatment. Therefore it is not a full follow up, if you need both manual therapy and exercise treatment, please do not select this option. If you are a current client, Schuyler likely already discussed this option with you if you are a good fit.

30 minute check-in ($125)

A virtual check in consists of discussing the status of your injury, function and home program. We update your current plan to reach your goals, by going through each day specifically. We will change/progress your home program, in which you will be given an updated copy, as well as a synopsis of your plan after the session. This is a virtual option only.

Consultation ($125)

This a 30 minute virtual consultation call. This is for someone who is looking to get advice on how to proceed with managing an injury or pain, without a formal evaluation. Schuyler will create an action plan for you after asking specific questions to get to the root cause of your pain. She will also send you exercises after the session, however this does not include a formal home program. This is a virtual option only.

Home program with weekly check in ($225/month)

This is offered to clients after they have gone through an initial evaluation. This option consists of a custom home program, with the option to add other workouts in for a full body workout program, on top of your physical therapy exercises. There are 10 minute check in calls 1x/week, and messaging for questions and form checks on the app. This is billed monthly, and can be transitioned into personal training programming. This option can not be made into a super bill for insurance reimbursement.